Twitterlator Pro, aplicatia care aduna extre de multi utilizatori din jurul lumii a primit un nou update ieri prin intermediul AppStore. Aplicatia avea destul de multe features noi, dar prin acest update, lista existenta a fost mult mult lungita, adauga si o serie destul de lunga de bug fixes. So, pentru aceia dintre voi care asteptau de ceva vreme update-urile, iata-le :
– App has landscape everywhere
– Tweet your currently playing iPod song and album art
– See conversation threads in Messages
– Messages fully cached locally
– Compose: pull down to see tweet you’re responding to
– Update your bio, name & location from My Profile
– Geottagged tweets show pin for insty-map
– Option to show only geotagged nearby tweets
– Drag down top tweet to refresh
– Drag up the bottom tweet to get more tweets
– Search over 3,500 themes from Themes chooser
– Show Movapic thumbnails and images
– Find People by their full name, just like twitter’s!
– Search window better organized
– Tap a #hashtag to either search or define it
– Email tweet sends more rich tweet info
– Email entire list of tweets with rich tweet info
– More efficient image caching
– Conversations optimized to check your timeline first
– Blocking someone removes their tweets from timelines
– User details shows if user is protected or verified
– Lists and Profiles are archived for faster launch
– Cleaner Options panel:
— tap Name or Swipe tweet right
— now includes Save Tweets options
— Swipe tweet left to get user and @mentioned details
fix: Newest to Oldest scrolls to top unless autorefreshed
fix: Double tapping the RT on My Rt’s doesn’t crash
fix: List members can show more than 20
fix: Lists in Main tab loads without extra refresh
fix: List Mentions (@name/list )not added to Recents
fix: List name spaces replaced by hyphens to avoid -20 in list name
fix: List Description doesn’t get added to the list of friends
fix: Double Nearby Controller load bug crasher
fix: Fix: tweetphotos thumbs and images show
fix: Translate tweet replaces HTML entities
fix: #fb is added after any media urls
fix: you can only old style RT protected tweets
Aplicatia poate fi cumparata din US AppStore pentru 4.99$ de aici si din RO AppStore de aici.