Overboard 1.1 update

Overboard, aplicatia pentru iPhone/iPod Touch apartinand aceluiasi developer care a lansat si ProSwitcher, Ryan Petrich, a fost updatata la versiunea 1.1 in cursul zilei de ieri. Pentru cei care nu stiu Overboard este o aplicatie care ofera o imagine panoramica asupra tuturor paginilor cu aplicatii din telefonul vostru. Ryan Petrich a fost foarte ocupat saptamana aceasta, update-ul pentru Overboard vine in aceeasi zi cu cel pentru ProSwitcher, asa ca pentru unii anul acesta Mosul a venit in persoana lui Ryan.

Iata ce aduce nou versiunea 1.1 :

  • Added new methods of call for the application:
    • through the key Sleep / Power;
    • via the Home button: Single click, double click or click and prolonged;
    • `through Statusbar: double tap or pressure long;
    • Springboard by making a spread or a pinch (gesture for zoom-in/out in the photos).
  • Added a new option that invokes Overboard automatically as soon emerge from any application;
  • Added a very practical option that allows us, in any miniature display the badge number of each application. Potremo: We can:
    • hide;
    • thumbnails will pop icons;
    • show a thumbnail in itself;
    • show both.
  • Added the ability to reverse the order of thumbnails: the first will be last and vice versa.

Daca doriti sa cumparati aplicatia o puteti face contra 1.99$ din Cydia Store.

This post was last modified on dec. 25, 2009, 11:02 PM 23:02

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