Noua versiune a fost trimisa la Apple pentru aprobare in AppStore deci va fi disponibila in cursul urmatoarelor zile insa va deveni mai scumpa, pretul dublandu-se de la 0.79€ cat este in prezent la 1.59€ si asta datorita numeroaselor imbunatatiri aduse, asa ca daca doriti aceasta aplicatie acum e momentul sa o cumparati pentru ca veti beneficia de un upgrade gratuit odata cu acceptarea noii versiuni.
Iata lista de noutati :
- 60 new units (including all legacy currencies before the euro, here the full list) thus arriving at more than 520 units;
- New way to select the drives: just hold down the button for selecting units and turn until you reach the desired unit of measure;
- The animation of the unit selection is now faster;
- Updated interface settings;
- Added the ability to quickly search for the unit to disable / enable;
- New section for the support so as to have very fast access to the forum for help and more.
Versiunea veche a aplicatiei poate fi cumparata pentru 0.79€ din RO AppStore de aici si mai jos aveti un mic video cu aplicatia in actiune.
This post was last modified on nov. 3, 2019, 12:00 AM 00:00