Air Mouse Pro nu este o aplicatie tocmai noua, ea exista in AppStore de ceva vreme, insa ceea ce face merita atentia noastra. Cu ajutorul acestei aplicatii puteti folosi telefonul vostru pe post de mouse pentru a controla calculatorul personal. Aplicatia se foloseste de accelerometru pentru a plimba cursorul pe ecran monitorului, iar pe ecranul telefonului aveti o reprezentare a butoanelor unui mouse si prin apasarea acestora puteti controla functiile calculatorului. Pentru a folosi aceasta aplicatie aveti nevoie de un router WiFi la care sa fie conectat calculatorul, o placa de retea wireless integrata in acesta si cele 2 aplicatii, una pentru iPhone/iPod Touch si cealalta pentru Mac/Windows, iar prin conectarea la aplicatia din calculator, telefonul preia functiile mouse-ului.
Dupa cum va spuneam, aplicatia exista de ceva vreme in AppStore insa abia acum a primit un update serios :
- Added the ability to view, within the application itself, all applications currently running on our Mac / PC to switch between them much more simple;
- Added the ability to launch our favorite shows;
- Improved the numeric keypad and alphabetically;
- Improved screen that lets you manage the various media elements;
- Added the ability to eject the CD / DVD via a button inside the application;
- Added 8 new keys, fully customizable functions to call us more comfortable;
- Added within the screen, Web browsing, buttons to open a page in a new window or tab;
- Adding a useful feature that allows us to remove and insert the URL of any Web site, the iPhone to the PC, in a more simple;
- Added new options to zoom (double tap);
- Added the automatic link between the application on the iPhone and PC / Mac;
- Improved functions server side;
- Added the ability to create scripts for one of these customizable buttons;
- Amended protocol to TCP, to make navigation more fluid;
- Improved the compatibility of the keyboard with your Mac;
- Added status messages in the case where there are errors during the connection with the server.
Aplicatia poate fi downloadata din AppStore pentru pretul de 1.59€ de aici iar aplicatia pentru calculator poate fi downloadata gratuit de aici.