Lasand asta la o parte, peste 75% dintre add-on-urile existente pentru Firefox au fost deja updatate pentru a fi compatibile cu noua versiune, deci va recomand cu caldura sa instalati release candidate-ul, dupa cum spuneam se misca mult mai bine, si aici ma refer la performanta generala, am observat cu placere ca paginile se incarca ceva mai repede decat pe 3.5.7
si imbunatatirile nu se opresc aici pentru ca release candidate-ul va fi si el updatat in perioada urmatoare pe masura ce vor aparea noi buguri.Iata schimbarile aduse de Firefox 3.6 RC1 :
* Users can change the browser’s appearance with a single click using Personas.
* Firefox 3.6 alerts users about out of date plugins to keep them safe.
* Changes to how third-party software integrates with Firefox to increase stability.
* Improved automatic form fill provides better options from your form history.
* Open, native video can now be displayed full screen, and supports poster frames.
* Support for the WOFF font format.
* Improved JavaScript performance, overall browser responsiveness and startup time.
* The ability to run scripts asynchronously to speed up page load times.
* Support for the HTML5 File API
* Support for new CSS, DOM and HTML5 web technologies.
This post was last modified on nov. 3, 2019, 12:02 AM 00:02