iPhone OS firmware 3.2 beta – detalii

Aseara va spuneam pe scurt ca Apple a lansat odata cu noul iPad si o versiunea beta a iPhone OS 3.2 care insa momentan functioneaza doar cu noul produs lansat aseara. Avand in vedere ca iPad este 100% compatibil cu toate aplicatiile din AppStore noul firmware ar fi trebuit sa fie compatibil si cu aceste terminale, insa Apple a decis ca, cel putin acum, e momentul iPad si tableta trebuie sa fie in centrul atentiei.

Versiunea 3.2 a iPhone OS aduce o serie intreaga de noutati, desigur pentru a intampa cum se cuvine noul produs, schimbari care se vor reflecta desigur si pe iPhone/iPod Touch insa nu se stie deocamdata cand. Cea mai importanta noutate este introducerea unui iPad simulator in SDK-ul oferit developerilor, care le prmite acestora sa creeze aplicatii si sa le vizualizeze in simulator pentru a vedea cum vor arata pe iPad.

Iata noutatile :

  • News in Core location. Now you can take the distance from a point, but first you need to do it with google
  • Added a new framework called CoreText used for handling text and fonts at a low level, then in the text with animations.
  • Added methods in the foundation framework concerning strings
  • change the whole media player framework
  • also changed the quartz core framework
  • changed UIKit Framework adds many classes that handle the documents, gestures and more, but we notice also the addition of classes that handle menus and panels reserved only all’iPad certainly, as we saw the pictures of the Keynote. Finally also the transition partialcurl (which we see in maps when we click the button at the bottom right to have the effect of the page they puff) has been automated and can be invoked simply by the graphics core.