Practic cu ajutorul acestei aplicatii puteti creea foldere organizate pentru aplicatiile voastre: games, muzica, multimedia, etc, si asta foarte simplu deoarece Categories este foarte usor de folosit. Aplicatia este foarte utila celor care au extrem de multe aplicatii instalate deoarece stim prea bine ca Springboard-ul are un numar limitat de pagini pe care afiseaza aplicatiile, iar la depasirea acestora toate aplicatiile instalate nu vor mai aparea pe ecranul device-ului.
Iata ce aduce nou Categories 2.99.3
:- GUI redesigned to be able to better integrate the new features such as that of the hidden icons
- Improved Help menu now able to give more instructions
- Added the ability to hide the icons (Poof) within the categories
- Added new methods to determine if a folder was clay with a version higher than 2.27. In this way, we can convert the old folder to the new format
- Added the ability to remove the folders with errors _NULL that before could not be erased.
Categories poate fi downloadata gratuit din Cydia, din repo-ul BigBoss.
This post was last modified on feb. 16, 2010, 2:23 PM 14:23