Twittelator Pro, una dintre cele mai folosite aplicatii pentru iPhone/iPod Touch destinate administrarii contului Twitter si raspunderii/postarii de mesaje pe una dintre cele mai mari retele de socializare din lume, a fost actualizata zilele acestea la versiunea 3.7.2.
Este absolut impresionant faptul ca aplicatia are nu mai putin de 200 de features disponibile direct de pe iDevice-ul vostru, de aceea este in topul celor mai downloadate aplicatii pentru Twitter din AppStore.
Nu voi intra in detalii privind feature-urile aplicatiei, voi posta doar noutatile aduse de Twittelator 3.7.2 :
* Fixed landscape crasher
* More Twittelator API exposed: lists, user, status, retweet
* Map has new option to open location in Maps app
* Regional Trends lets you zoom into trends from places around the world
* Mobilizer to view web pages very fast – use Google’s or custom mobilizer
* OmniFocus integration: send tweets and links to OmniFocus
* All Maps give now Nearby Option and Placename instead of Lat/Long
* Search fields enhanced to find tweeters by name, username, brand, etc
* Launch Twittelator with search query: eg: twit:///search?q=twittelator
* Really long tweets can be scrolled in Options to see and copy any part
* Superlists added to List searching to find top tweeters
* Football and Basketball emojis added – Geaux Saints!
* Tweets don’t get cut off or be too big
* “More” will fill in gap of missing tweets since last usage
* Unlocking phone updates the time stamps on tweets
* You can choose first account from quick switch in Compose
* Bookmarks on Main Tab load correctly now
* Links only appear once in dialog even if twice in tweet
* Instapaper/Readitlater links give notification again
* TLists now loads subcategories of business & politics
* Featured Users was removed from 🙁
* Zenkaku space detected at end of link
Se pare ca developerii aplicatiei nu se joaca si cand vine vorba de update-uri rezolva intr-adevar multe probleme si in aceeasi masura aduc destule update-uri. Pentru cei interesati Twittelator Pro poate fi cumparat din Ro AppStore pentru 3.99€ de aici.