Dupa cum ii spune si numele, noul joc al celor de la EA Games, Skate It, este destinat in principal pasionatilor de skateboarding, un fenoment in continua crestere, an dupa an tot mai mult tineri alegand sa devina skateboarderi.
Skate It va fi rezultatul unei colaborari dintre EA Games si Skater Nations deoarece versiunea pentru iPhone/iPod Touch va fi un port al celei de pe consola, iar asteptarile pasionatilor acestui gen de jocuri sunt mari deorece precedentele aplicatii au fost o dezamagire totala asa ca toata presiunea sta pe umerii celor de la EA Games pentru a scoate un joc foarte bun atat din punct de vedere grafic dar si al gameplay-ului.
Ca si precedentele, Skate It se va baza pe accelerometru si pe swipe gestures, printr-o simpla apasare a unui buton caracterul vostru va putea face tot felul de scheme cu board-ul. Ca tot veni vorba de caractere, veti putea juca fie cu caractere reprezentand nume mari din lumea skateboarding-ului fie va puteti creea propriul caracter cu ajutorul caruia sa castigati competitii/awards pentru a va creste faima in lumea din joc.
Skate It va fi disponibil undeva prin luna mai a acestui an, cand vor aparea detalii noi va voi tine la curent.
Iata ce va aduce jocul :
- FEEL IT & PICK UP AND PLAY LIKE IT’S FOR REAL: We’ve maxed out the potential of your accelerometer and gesture controls. Get a real feel of a true skate experience as you conquer the skater nirvana that is “San Vanelona” or roll through real-world locations.
- FLICK- IT & LAND YOUR TRICKS: Use the revolutionary touchscreen Flick-it controls to pull off ollies, kickflips, heelflips, Pop Shuvits, and more.
- BE IT & LIVE THE LIFE OF THE PROS: Freeskate as a selected pro skater, or as your own customized guy or girl. Score Personal Bests in Career mode, and get sponsorships and perks galore.
- KILL IT & UNLOCK STUFF: Own challenges and KILL them to get the really good stuff — from new boards to outfits. Unlock fresh skate spots, too. Gain enough gear and create your own killer skate park.
- FILM IT & SEE YOUR SKILLS IN ACTION: Capture every sick line or epic bail on camera. Replay footage to view your mastery or just for your own amusement.
- KICK IT TO YOUR OWN TUNES: You can even shred to a soundtrack from your own music library.