Dupa aproape o saptamana de cand TomTom anunta ca a trimis versiunea 1.3 a celebrei aplicatii de navigatie destinata iPhone-ului, iata ca incepand de astazi aceasta este disponibila in AppStore.
Iata ce aduce nou TomTom 1.3 :
– HD TRAFFIC: The best traffic information available today – for the fastest route every time and the most accurate arrival time estimate. Available via in app purchase.
– GOOGLE LOCAL SEARCH: Find countless shops and businesses wherever you are, and navigate directly there. Access the latest Google listings from within the TomTom app.
– NEW MAP: Drive with the latest, most accurate map
– MUSIC FADING: Music fading will gently reduce volume while TomTom gives you driving instructions, and will return to normal volume between prompts.
– AUTOMATIC DAY & NIGHT MODE: Your app calculates local sunrise and sunset times to automatically adjust the screen brightness while driving, for a safer drive.
– ADD LOCATIONS from other applications and websites on your iPhone to your TomTom app and instantly navigate to them or store them as favorites for future use.
Desi compania spune ca a actualizat hartile, ma indoiesc de acuratetea acestora pentru Romania insa daca voi afla ceva noutati legat de acoperirea Romaniei va voi anunta. Informatiile din trafic sunt disponibile doar prin intermediul in-app purchase insa ma indoiesc ca vor fi disponibile pentru tara noastra, in rest celelalte updates sunt binevenite si de mult in lista de asteptare.
TomTom 1.3 se vinde cu o reducere de 10€ week-endul acesta in AppStore asa ca puteti achizitiona versiunea pentru Europa de Est de aici si versiunea pentru Europa de Vest de aici, ambele costa 69.99€.