Aplicatii gratuite sau la pret redus

Incepand de astazi voi incerca sa va tin la curend cu aplicatiile care sunt gratuite sau la pret redus in AppStore, sper sa reusesc sa fac cate un post in fiecare zi. Datele aceasta se pot schimba in ORICE moment, politica Apple le permite developerilor sa schimbe statusul aplicatiilor oricand doresc asa ca verificati in AppStore daca datele de aici corespund cu cele de acolo. Modificarile acestea sunt in general valabile pentru scurt timp asa ca fiti vigilenti!

Apligatii gratuite astazi :

Adventure zones disponibila gratuit, pretul initial 0.79€
Do you like simple but strategic games such as “Chess” or “Reversi” that competing with your friends?
Or, do you like “Solitaire” type of game that you play solo?

Dinosaurus Slayer Lite disponibila gratuit.
“Dinosaurs Slayer” is a defence game of guarding the castle from attacking dinasaurs.
You must defeat the various dinosaurs and great Boss with 7 different weapons and magic.

Piyo Blocks disponibila gratuit, pretul initial 1.39€
Your task is simple – swap adjacent Piyo Blocks to match 3 or more of the same kind to capture them. To level up you will need to capture a target number of each kind of Piyo. The real skill comes into play when creating combos, which multiplies your score for capturing the Piyos. The bigger the combo you create, the greater score you’ll get!

HighSchool Cheeleader – disponibila gratuit, pretul initial 1.39€
Want to make the squad? Show us what you’ve got! Give me an A! Give me a G! Aren’t you glad we didn’t ask you to spell out the whole thing? Do you have team spirit? Show it! Turn to the Left! Turn to the Right! Stand Up! Sit Down! Fight! Fight! Fight!

Dr. Knowledge – disponibila gratuit, pret initial 1.39€
A new professor, Dr. Knowledge, has arrivied.
There are 1700+ questions in entertainments, geography,history, literature, maths, scienc and general knowledge. It is time to challenge your knowledge and learn more. See how many questions you can answer.

Redbox – disponibila gratuit
The official iPhone app from redbox allows you to browse and reserve a movie, plus find the nearest redbox. It’s all free (and easy)!
Find a redbox – With the new iPhone app from redbox you’ll be able to find the closest redbox and get directions (with a map!) to that or any other redbox.

Puzzle Pet Planet – disponibila gratuit, pretul initial 3.29€
Fantastic and challenging game. Very fun and professional. GUI design and overall art style is beautiful. Help your dog, cat, horse and potatocow cross lots of greenlands, rocky mountains and hot deserts as you master tricky puzzles.

Falling Match – disponibila gratuit, pret initial 0.79€
Have you ever played a match3 game in a physics world?
PS:If you use a slow EDGE network ,please disable openfeint or cause crash the game.

Charmed – disponibila gratuit, pret initial 2.39€
Charmed is amazing gravity-twisting, tile-clearing, Charm-matching action across 35 unique levels! Stunning music, sounds and visuals will keep you captivated. Earn over 30 achievements and enjoy bragging rights by outscoring your friends on the global high score boards via OpenFeint!

Magnetic Sports Hockey– disponibila gratuit, pret initial 2.39€

Enjoy again the hockey experience of your youth, this time with added dynamism in a beautiful and detailed 3D environment, such that your children can enjoy it too.