Steve Jobs cu un raspuns dur privind disponibilitatea iPad

Astazi v-am prezentat 2 mail-uri trimise lui Steve Jobs de catre 2 persoane care doreau sa afle informatii privind disponibilitatea iPad, din pacate raspunsul venit de la Steve Jobs nu a fost nici pe departe clarificator asa ca acum voi prezenta un alet e-mail trimis de catre un elvetian presedintelui Apple, mail in care elevetianul doreste sa afle informatii despre disponibilitatea iPad in Elvetia insa critica totodata modul in care Apple isi comercializeaza produsele in Europa deoarece preturile pentru europeni sunt in general aproape duble fata de cele pentru americani. Iata intreaga discutie :

Dear Mr Jobs
On behalf of the international community of Apple consumers I would like to protest at the way Apple is apparently leaving us out in the cold with the Apple iPad product.
We have been fed either misinformation or no information at all and it is starting to cast doubt over Apple’s intents, at least it is to me.
I live in Switzerland and as yet we have no idea what the Apple iPad will cost here, if it is anything like the international pricing we have been used to to date on other Apple products, then it will certainly not be an “unbelievable price” as stated in your marketing.
If the delays and lack of pricing information is due to Apple doing it’s level best, to make sure that we are not being ripped off, then I applaud that work. However, as previously mentioned, I am doubting this.
Twice to my knowledge you have falsely stated international availability of the iPad and while I do not believe this is any fault of your own, I can imagine that you are not happy being shown as deliberately pulling the wool over the rest of the worlds eyes.
This is what you said at the iPhone OS4.0 announcement.

Will iPad’s success impact its international launch?

Steve: No, we said we’re launching internationally later in April, and we’re launching later in April.

Please can you clarify what is happening and why it has taken so long for information to be released to the international community.
May I suggest the following: Make it easier for us to purchase your products directly from the USA online Apple store. Many of us would be happy to do so and pay extra for local Applecare.
I look forward to your response.”

Steve : Are you nuts? We are doing the best we can. We need enough units to have a responsible and great launch.

Cam asa a ales Steve Jobs sa rezolve situatia, insa din pacate nu a facut-o intr-un mod prea elegant, demn de presedintele uneia dintre cele mai titrate companii din lume la ora actuala. Pe de o parte e de inteles de ce Steve ar fi frustrat, daca ar fi avut iPad-urile gata facute ar fi castigat mult mai multi bani acum insa asa probabil vor exista multi clienti care cu o luna inainte de lansarea noului iPhone HD vor renunta sa isi mai cumpere o iPad.