Hi Steve,
So, um, just got my iPhone 4. Its lovely and all, but this ‘bridge the two antennae to kill your reception’ thing seems to be a bit serious. If I bridge them with my hand or with a piece of metal the bars slowly drop to ‘Searching…’ and then ‘No Service’.
Its kind of a worry. Is it possible this is a design flaw?
– Rory Sinclair
Si raspunsul :
Nope. Just don’t hold it that way.
Deci problema nu e de la telefon in sine ci de la modul in care tinem noi telefoanele in mana, adica TOTAL GRESIT!
Si discutia continua :Actually, its not calls that concern me, but i’ve just been writing a text and its very natural for me as a right-handed person to hold it that way, with the part of my hand at the base of my thumb covering the point the antennae meet, and it kills the reception each time.
I mean, pretty much as soon as i move my hand it comes back, but its pretty crazy… is this the reason Bumpers exist?
– Rory
Si raspunsul :
Just don’t hold it that way then.
E clar da? Noi NU stim sa tinem un telefon in mana. Dar totusi ..
Well, yeah, thats what i’ll do, but you have to admit thats a workaround, yeah? I mean, normally there aren’t limits to how you can hold a phone.
I seriously dig the phone, its totally amazing, but I think this is what many would call a design flaw.– Rory
Si ultimul raspuns al lui Steve Jobs :
Sure there are – every phone has these areas of sensitivity, depending on the location of the antenna. Some phones even ship with labels warning customers to not cover certain areas with their hands.
E destul de clara treaba, Apple neaga existenta acestei probleme deci exista posibilitatea sa trebuiasca sa ne cumparam un dispozitiv cu ajutorul caruia sa tinem telefonul din anumite unghiuri pentru a putea vorbil la el, trimite un SMS sau intra pe internet. Sincer sa fiu am ramas dezamagit de aceasta atitudine a celor de la Apple, e normal ca anumite telefoane sa aiba probleme de genul acesta insa e prima oara cand vad un telefon de peste 600€ pierzand semnalul cand il tii in mana.
Ce parere aveti? V-au schimbat aceste probleme intentia de a cumpara un iPhone 4?
This post was last modified on iun. 25, 2010, 9:27 AM 09:27