I went on my merry way, but realized something now. No matter what position I held my iPhone 4 in, the signal never decreased. I held it the many ways I know the signal issue pops and nothing. No bar loss, no signal loss, no call drop. NOTHING. So there you have it.
I am theorizing that moving the SIM card had something to do with the signal issue, because the only thing I have done to my iPhone 4 differently is take out and reinsert the SIM card. Other than that no other changes to it. No setting change, no software change no nothing. Just reinsertion of the SIM card.
Parca pare prea frumos pentru a fi adevarat insa pentru cei care au probleme cu semnalul merita incearcata aceasta teorie. Pe de alta parte alti utilizatori au observat ca o parte a cartelei este plasata sub SIM tray-ul din iPhone 4 si exista posibilitatea ca cele 2 suprafete sa faca contact si de aici sa rezulte problemele cu semnalul slab. Cateva persoane au incercat sa taie cartela micro-SIM intr-o parte pentru a evita contactul cu tray-ul sau au acoperit cu banda izolatoare partea care face contact si unii au reusit chiar sa rezolve problemele in timp ce pentru altii aceste metode nu au avut nici un efect.
I just tried this. My sim contacts were under the edge of the tray too. I cut a piece of electrical tape to exactly cover only where the gold contacts of the sim touched the tray. I went back to the exact location in my house where I had 1 signal bar. I now have 3 signal bars. Unreal, I can’t believe this did anything. Tested before and after with a bumper on the phone. I’ll keep an eye on the performance outside the house tomorrow. I don’t want to jump to conclusions that this helped my iPhone reception without more data. Looks promising so far though!
Ramane la atitudinea voastra sa incercati oricare dintre cele 2 metode expuse mai sus, daca obtineti rezultate bune va rog sa ni le impartasiti.
This post was last modified on iun. 30, 2010, 11:08 AM 11:08