Aseara v-am spus ca un hacker vietnamez a reusit sa “sparga” serverele iTunes care se ocupa cu categoria “Books” din AppStore si a reusit sa modifice numele si iconitele unor aplicatii, insa mai grav a spart conturile iTunes a sute de utilizatori din intreaga lume, iar prin intermediul lor a facut achizitii de sute de dolari din AppStore. De aseara si pana astazi zeci de posesori de conturi iTunes au raportat ca prin conturile lor s-au facut achizitii de carti si aplicatii ajungandu-se la sume intre 200 – 600$ per cont insa sumele acestea se regasesc au fost incarcate in conturile multor utilizatori.
“I’ve just noticed my iTunes account has been hacked in the past week. Someone has downloaded 8 apps and two songs totalling £61.70. The most expensive being an app called All Match by CharismaIST for £54.99! The other apps seem to be based on photographer like Camera One, Night Shot, Camera Flash Ultra. Surely Apple won’t pay out to these developers. I have changed my password and put in an email complaint to iTunes so we’ll see how it goes.”
“Yesterday my credit union contacted me saying there was suspicious activity on my debit card. Sure enough over 10 transactions in the $40-$50 area all on iTunes equaling to $558″
“I also received a receipt via email on my “Purchases” on 7/2/10. I made the mistake of storing my debit card on the itunesstore app. I have run into the exact same responses that other users are reporting–only email as a method of contact.
That response was to tell me how to change passwords, etc. – stock answers and to also tell me of no refunds. I was an internet technician for years so the iTunes advise was second nature for me but with little hope for “fixing” the issue since I believe that the breach was on the iTunes server.
Thankfully, I carry a smartphone with my email setup on it, so I received the invoice quickly. Most of the 15 purchases where for items that I don’t even own i.e. iphone (I have a blackberry) and ipod (I’m 47 and I still use a radio for my music). I was able to verify the $70.15 charge via mobile banking and immediately called my bank. The transaction was in the processing stage and I think my bank was able to refuse it–I’ll see after the holiday weekend. With my card canceled, the additional $20+ charge was unable to be authorized.
I noticed reading the comments that someone was starting a class action suit, there are enough victims to be able to makeiTunes responsible for this.
I will not take this laying down–I’ve filed a police report and filed a complaint with the Better Business Bureau and if I can afford it–I want to be included in the class action suit if it was started. I am currently trying to figure out how to get the news media notified of this scam. ”
Acestea sunt doar 3 dintre comentariile lasate de zeci de utilizatori pe forumuri in care se plangeau ca din pacate conturile lor au fost sparte de hackerul din Vietnam. Toata problema asta dureaza inca din cursul saptamanii trecute si desi Apple stia ca exista probleme totusi nu a acordat prea multa importanta si din pacate s-a ajuns destul de departe cu aceasta problema si exista informatii care indica faptul ca unii utilizatori pagubiti vor da in judecata Apple datorita acestor probleme. Sfatul meu este sa scoateti cartea de credit atasata contului iTunes pana cand Apple va clarifica intreaga situatie.