Astazi Apple a dat un comunicat de presa in care declara ca toate cartile developerului vietnamez au fost sterse din AppStore pentru incalcarea regulamentului iTunes insa nu comenteaza absolut nimic in legatura cu schimbarile denumirilor la aplicatii sau iconite din AppStore. Totodata Apple le recomanda clientilor pagubiti sa ia legatura cu bancile lor pentru a bloca tranzactiile si a cere banii inapoi, nefacand vreo aluzie la un posibil ajutor dat din partea Apple.
Pe scurt Apple neaga ca ar fi avut probleme si pune totul in seama conturilor sparte lasand utilizatorii “cu buza umflata”.
The developer Thuat Nguyen and his apps were removed from the App Store for violating the developer Program License Agreement, including fraudulent purchase patterns.
Developers do not receive any iTunes confidential customer data when an app is downloaded.
If your credit card or iTunes password is stolen and used on iTunes we recommend that you contact your financial institution and inquire about canceling the card and issuing a chargeback for any unauthorized transactions. We also recommend that you change your iTunes account password immediately. For more information on best practices for password security visit
This post was last modified on iul. 6, 2010, 9:56 PM 21:56