Va schimba Apple terminalele iPhone 4 defecte?

Unii experti in PR isi dau cu parerea sustinand ca Apple ar trebui sa schimbe toate terminalele iPhone 4 cu probleme pentru a evita “sifonarea” renumelui Apple in lumea intreaga. Expertii compara aceasta problema cu cea a milioanelor de masini rechemate in service de anumiti producatori datorita unor probleme tehnice, masura laudata de toata lumea deoarece desi companiile au recunoscut greseala au facut pasi pentru a o rezolva gratuit si a proteja clientii de eventuale accidente.

“Apple will be forced to do a recall of this product,” said Professor Matthew Seeger, an expert in crisis communication. “It’s critically important. The brand image is the most important thing Apple has. This is potentially devastating.”

“Apple needs to put this fire out now,” said Dr. Larry Barton, a leading expert in crisis management and author of Crisis Leadership Now. “There has to be a military-like response to this issue. And we have not seen this kind of urgency.”

“They’re response has been lackluster,” he said. “It’s been borderline irresponsible. They are in danger of betraying customers’ trust and hurting the brand, which is infinitely more valuable than any one product. It’s the ‘half-loaf’ approach,” he said. “Apple was under tremendous pressure to respond. They pushed out some information that wasn’t really baked.”

“You acknowledge it; you address it; you deal with it,” Lehane said. “Apple must protect its brand image, its crown jewels, at all cost. Apple has enormous consumer loyalty but it depends on whether people believe it’s credible.”

Da, Apple se confrunta in momentul de fata cu o foarte mare problema care ii strica reputatia pe plan international mai ales ca vina a fost aruncata asupra consumatorilor care au fost blamati ca “tin telefonul incorect”. Sincer sa fiu nu ma asteptam ca o companie precum Apple sa adopte o asemenea pozitie insa iata ca a facut-o si probabi spera ca problema sa se rezolve de la sine, insa in momentul de fata aceasta este din ce in ce mai mediatizata si daca Apple nu se va grabi sa o rezolve cumva atunci vanzarile vor scade drastic.

This post was last modified on nov. 3, 2019, 1:50 PM 13:50

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