Consumer Reports refuza sa recomande iPhone 4

Consumer Reports ramane pe pozitii si refuza sa recomande iPhone 4 datorita problemelor cu semnalul desi aseara Apple a incercat sa clarifice, in stilul propriu, care sunt cauzele acestei probleme. Consumer Reports a publicat ieri un articol in care ironizeaza cele declarate de Steve Jobs la conferinta de presa iar in incheiere isi sustine declaratiile facute saptamana trecuta, adica nu recomand iPhone 4 consumatorilor.

Sincer sa fiu e un mic paradox aici, Consumer Reports sustine ca iPhone 4 e cel mai bun smartphone de pe piata insa refuza sa il recomande clientilor datorita problemelor cu antena. Daca are probleme cu antena atunci de ce e cel mai bun de pe piata? Daca e cel mai bun de pe piata de ce nu il recomanda? Stiu ca afirmatiile lor privind suprematia au in prim-plan alte caracteristici ale iPhone 4 dar totusi cand spui ca e cel mai bun telefon il si recomanzi.

Consumer Reports believes Appleā€™s offer of free cases is a good first step. However, Apple has indicated that this is not a long-term solution, it has guaranteed the offer only through September 30th, and has not extended it unequivocally to customers who bought cases from third-party vendors. We look forward to a long-term fix from Apple. As things currently stand, the iPhone 4 is still not one of our Recommended models.

This post was last modified on nov. 3, 2019, 1:52 PM 13:52

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