Pana la urma se pare ca acest zvon este totalmente fals deoarece License Agreement-ul pentru tableta iPad spune “oarecum clar” faptul ca posesorii de tablete iPad vor putea face update gratuit la toate versiunile de soft 3.x sau chiar si 4.x. Exprimarea nu lasa in mod clar sa se inteleaga faptul ca update-ul va fi gratuit insa e putin probabil ca Apple sa taxeze utilizatorii de tablete iPad pentru acest update, mai ales acum cand a lansat iAds si milioane de tablete vor rula reclamele celor de la Apple.
Apple will provide you any iPad OS software updates that it may release from time to time, up to and including the next major iPad OS software release following the version of iPad OS software that originally shipped from Apple on your iPad, for free. For example, if your iPad originally shipped with iPad 3.x software, Apple would provide you with any iPad OS software updates it might release up to and including the iPad 4.x software release. Such updates and releases may not necessarily include all of the new software features that Apple releases for newer iPad models.
So daca aveti o tableta iPad puteti sta linistiti deoarece nu va trebui sa platiti pentru update.
This post was last modified on iul. 20, 2010, 4:29 PM 16:29