“My iPhone and I have been inseparable for almost a month now, tomorrow being one month since the iPhone OS 4 launched. But the honeymoon period ended this week as repeated dropped calls, and a sudden unexplainable inability to make or receive calls or send texts left me disgruntled.
“So I did what anyone else would do: I vented my frustration on Twitter. Imagine my surprise, then, when this morning I am tweeted by Samsung offering me a free Galaxy S, their latest phone. Too good to be true? I decided to investigate.
“I called a friend at Samsung, and though she was initially sceptical (sic), it has now been confirmed: the campaign is legit. Samsung is so confident about the superiority of the Galaxy S that they’re sending free ones to existing iPhone customers so they can decide for themselves.”
Interesanta metoda de a promova produsele au cei de la Samsung deoarece aceasta miscare deja a atras atentia multora asupra noului terminal. In Romania Samsung Galaxy S este distribuit de Orange si Vodafone si am vazut destul de multa lume achizitionandu-si noul terminal. Totusi trebuie precizat ca citatul de mai sus apartine unei anume Tiffany Nieuwland care a primit un Samsung Galaxy S gratuit insa respectiva persoana lucreaza la o firma de digital marketing din Marea Britanie.
This post was last modified on nov. 3, 2019, 10:52 PM 22:52