Pro Evolution Soccer a fost actualizata astazi, versiunea 1.3 este disponibila in AppStore si aduce cu ea foarte multe noutati. PES 2010 este un port pentru iPhone/iPod Touch a celebrului joc de fotbal de pe PC/console. Putina lume a ramas impresionata de versiunea pentru iDevices a PES insa sa speram ca aceste update-uri vor schimba parerea tuturor cu privire la aplicatie.
Iata ce aduce nou PES 1.3 :
- Manual switch of defending player (button mode only): Press an empty part of the screen when you don’t have the ball to switch players;
- Kick feint: Prepare a shot and once you see the power gauge, press B quickly (or anywhere on the screen on Touch controls);
- Improvement of ball control reactivity (less latency when a player controls the ball);
- Improvement of headers;
- Improvement of performance on iPhone 3G;
- Yellow and red cards management in competitions;
- Display scorers’ names on Pause/Half-time menu;
- Improvement of the simulation of the other match results in a competition;
- Improvement of the camera angle in Offside replay;
- Improvement of the team random selection in Quick match and Exhibition;
- Fix of miscellaneous minor bugs;
PES 2010 este disponibila in Ro AppStore la pretul de 7.99€ si poate fi achizitionata de aici.