Lansare iminenta a iPhoDroid 1Shot pentru Windows

V-am spus zilele trecute ca versiunea pentru Windows a iPhoDroid 1Shot va fi lansata in acest week-end si iata ca developerul programului a pus un mesaj pe site prin care anunta ca lansarea se va face foarte foarte curand deci daca asteptati acest program atunci e foarte posibil ca in aceasta seara sa aveti posibilitatea de a il testa. Versiunea pentru Windows nu aduce nimic nou decat compatibilitatea cu Windows, iar alte bug fixes sau optiuni noi nu au fost anuntate de catre developer.

Va voi anunta cand va fi disponibil si voi pune un link de download aici pe site.

UPDATE : Lansarea a fost amanata datorita unor probleme cu driverele pentru Windows pe 64 bits.

Well, it’s almost midnight and I know tons of people are awaiting for iPhoDroid PC release. I got a big delay today caused by 64bit Windows7 architecture, once its tough to get pass over DLL running without Certificate. But the good news is: I made it 😉 through an Internal Procedure and no Installation is required. Windows XP and Vista 32bit run the App all the way up in one single click (the same as 1SHOT for Mac).So, I encourage you to be a little bit patient and I really need a few hours more to get it finished to run on fine over 64 AMD and Intel. Keep in holding everyone, A lot of dedication still being imperative and the Installer is really on the way. Apology.

This post was last modified on aug. 30, 2010, 8:52 AM 08:52

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