- Android tools are horrendous, OS is hideous, but the absence of big brother telling me what to do gives it a slight edge.
- [Droid X is] not THAT good. Stick with your iPhone.
- The more I work with Android the more it reminds me of Windows…as in, it’s really flexible, agnostic, and developer-friendly, but also really sloppily designed.
- Android dev community needs a quirksmode.org-like site to chart the subtle differences between each device, so we needn’t buy every one. (In English — Google still hasn’t provided a solution for the Android fragmentation problem.)
- After all those years of hype, AMOLED screens suck. What’s with the gradient banding?!
- Once a day or so it hits me that I am writing Java, and I cry a little. (Java is the Android programming language.)
Joe Hewitt a renuntat la a mai face aplicatii pentru iOS deoarece nu “crede” ca ar trebui sa existe un proces de verificare a aplicatiilor ce sunt acceptate de AppStore. Nu ii place nici cum se lucreaza cu iOS, nu ii place nici cum se lucreaza cu Android, practic nu ii place nimic iar asta e un lucru bun deoarece il face obiectiv.
This post was last modified on sept. 21, 2010, 8:38 AM 08:38