We are also impressed with Apple’s ability to monetize its innovative products through selling high-margin consumer products that drive strong earnings results and growth trends for Apple shareholders. A case in point is the mobile phone market, where most handset OEMs struggle to post a profit or even 10% operating margins (except RIM and recently HTC), while we estimate Apple boasts roughly 50% gross margin and 30%+ operating margin for its iPhone products.
In fact, Nokia, Samsung and LG combined sold roughly 400M mobile handsets worldwide in the first half of 2010 with a combined value share of 32% of handset industry profits, while Apple sold roughly 17M units over the same time period and captured an estimated 39% of industry profits, or greater than the top three global handset OEMs combined. Apple leads the industry in every metric except for unit share…
Apple stie intr-adevar sa profite de pe urma succesului terminalelor iPhone si isi impune propriile conditii cand semnaza contractele cu operatorii de telefonie mobila astfel ca Apple obtine un profit mai mult decat bun de pe urma terminalelor sale. Din pacate restul producatorilor nu isi permit sa faca la fel deoarece ar ramane fara piata de desfacere si prefera sa obtina un profit mai mic si sa vanda mai mult.
Parerea mea este ca in ritmul acesta Apple va ajunge sa impuna conditii din ce in ce mai stricte si probabil la un moment dat se va creea o ruptura undeva, chiar daca terminalele sale vor fi la “mare cautare”.
This post was last modified on sept. 21, 2010, 10:52 PM 22:52