One focused on the “country of purchase” rule, whereby repairs service is only available in the country where the iPhone was bought, which made the exercise of warranty rights difficult for consumers who had purchased an iPhone in another EU/EEA country than their home country. The Commission had concerns that this rule could amount to territorial restrictions aimed at dissuading European consumers from buying iPhones outside their country of residence and so leading to a partitioning of the market.
Nu stiu inca unde puteti folosi garantia Apple pentru a repara un terminal iPhone achizitionat intr-o alta tara membra UE, insa poate Orange va accepta in curand aceste garantii, sau poate vor fi alte service-uri ce vor obtine acreditarea Apple. In definitiv nu conteaza cine o face atat timp cat cineva o face si ne repara terminalele pe garantie.
This post was last modified on sept. 27, 2010, 10:47 PM 22:47