“Our sources believe these likely represent new high-end and low-end iPhone models to complement its current iPhone 4,” Wu wrote in a note to investors. “One possibility we are picking up is a “mini” or “nano” iPhone with a smaller candybar form factor leveraging technology in its new mini touchscreen iPod nano.
We believe Apple moving to a more complete iPhone product line makes strategic sense in that its iPhone 4 addresses only the high-end of the market,” he said. “We think Apple should take a page out of its iPod playbook where it has had a lot (of) success with a 3-tier strategy addressing entry-level, mid-range and high-end, making it difficult for competitors.“
Desigur acesta este doar un zvon si mie unul imi vine greu sa cred ca Apple s-ar complica cu producerea mai multor modele de iPhone avand in vedere ca ei abia fac fata cu productia terminalelor actuale. Totusi, daca ar exista mai multe optiuni pentru noul iPhone, ati fi inclinati sa cumparati un model mai ieftin al iPhone 5 decat modelul “principal” ?
This post was last modified on oct. 7, 2010, 10:18 AM 10:18