Apple a programat o noua conferinta pentru 20 octombrie

Va era dor de o noua conferinta organizata de Apple? Daca da atunci mai aveti putin de asteptat pentru ca peste doar o saptamana Apple va tine o noua conferinta care probabil se va axa pe o noua versiune a sistemului de operare Mac OS X, dar exista sanse ca Steve Jobs sa ne prezinte si un produs nou. “Back to the Mac” este sloganul sub al carui patronaj se va desfasura aceasta conferinta si leul din spatele marului indica faptul ca Steve Jobs ar putea vorbi despre noul Mac OS X 10.7 care ar putea veni cu suport pentru ecrane touchscreen. Din pacate nu cred ca vom vedea ceva nou pentru iDevices, insa e posibil ca Apple sa discute despre vreo noua functie a iOS 4.2 sau poate despre modelul alb al iPhone 4 ori despre modelul CDMA Only. Ramane de vazut ce ne pregateste Apple.

Indeed, many of the new features in the Leopard operating system version are incremental improvements. But Mr. Jobs said he was struck by the success of the multitouch interface that is at the heart of the iPhone version of the OS X. This allows a user to touch the screen at more than one point to zoom in on a portion of a photo, for example.
“People don’t understand that we’ve invented a new class of interface,” he said.
He contrasted it with stylus interfaces, like the approach Microsoft took with its tablet computer. That interface is not so different from what most computers have been using since the mid-1980s.
In contrast, Mr. Jobs said that multitouch drastically simplified the process of controlling a computer.

There are no “verbs” in the iPhone interface, he said, alluding to the way a standard mouse or stylus system works. In those systems, users select an object, like a photo, and then separately select an action, or “verb,” to do something to it.

This post was last modified on oct. 13, 2010, 7:52 PM 19:52

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