Systems, devices, and methods are provided for enabling a user to control the content of text-based messages sent to or received from an administered device. In some embodiments, a message will be blocked (incoming or outgoing) if the message includes forbidden content. In other embodiments, the objectionable content is removed from the message prior to transmission or as part of the receiving process. The content of such a message is controlled by filtering the message based on defined criteria.
The criteria may be defined according to a parental control application. These techniques also may be used, in accordance with instructional embodiments, to require the administered devices to include certain text in messages. These embodiments might, for example, require that a certain number of Spanish words per day be included in e-mails for a child learning Spanish.
Probabil celor de la Apple le va fi acceptata cererea si cine stie poate in iOS 5 vom avea cateva optiuni noi pentru SMS-uri. Poate ca introducerea acestor limitari este buna insa de folosit probabil o vor folosi doar persoane in varsta. In orice caz, cate SMS-uri cu injuraturi ati primi in ultima vreme(ma refer la persoane straine)? Probabil niciunul, deci rostul acestei functii este aproape nul si daca nu vom avea posibilitatea sa editam dictionarul cu cuvinte interzise atunci pentru Romania va fi si mai inutila.
This post was last modified on oct. 13, 2010, 12:01 AM 00:01