Acest clip video a fost publicat ieri pe internet de un agent imobiliar din Carolina de Nord si in el aveti amplasamentul unui data center de 1 miliard de dolari construit recent de catre Apple. Constructia ocupa 152400 m² si este cel mai mare data center construit vreodata de catre Apple, fiind de 5 ori mai mare decat cel din Newark California pe care compania il foloseste in momentul actual. Noul data center nu a fost inca deschis dar Apple se gandeste deja sa ii dubleze marimea, insa deocamdata nu se stie pentru ce ar avea Apple nevoie de un data center in actuala sa marime, dar de unul dublu.
There is a rumor that Apple will double the 500,000 square foot $1 Billion Data Center in North Carolina. Though there has been no official announcement, I discovered that site work is being performed and it clearly appears that there may be some truth to the speculation.
With its 500,000 square feet of data center space (currently, sources tell me that Apple is considering doubling that) the facility has been built for something.
Poate vom vedea in curand cateva servicii web based oferite cu tableta iPad 2 sau poate cu o noua versiune a iTunes.
This post was last modified on oct. 25, 2010, 11:35 AM 11:35