Unii muncitori din fabricile chinezesti unde sunt produse componentele terminalelor iPhone 4 sustin ca au fost otraviti de materialele folosite pentru producerea acestora. Unii sustin ca au fost otraviti de substantele folosite pentru obtinerea culorii stralucitoare a logo-ului Apple de pe spatele terminalului, sau de substantele folosite pentru producerea display-urilor in sine. O retea de televiziune din Australia a difuzat un reportaj in care sunt prezentat cativa muncitori chinezi ce sunt tratati la spital din cauza otravirii cu vaporii inhalati in timp ce lucrau la o unitate a unei fabrici ce produce display-uri pentru Apple.
After breathing in the chemical’s vapours, they became dizzy and numb and eventually they could not walk. “At first the symptoms were pretty obvious. My hands were numb. I could hardly walk or run,” one woman told the ABC. “I think they knew it was poisonous to human bodies but if they had used another chemical our output would not have increased,” another woman said. “By using n-hexane, it was much more efficient”. The women have now been in hospital for more than half a year. “I am back at work but my symptoms are still with me,” one worker said. “My legs still hurt. This will accompany me for the rest of my life. It’s very painful.” The workers’ boss, Zhong Jianxiang, was not available to be interviewed.
Aceste informatii aduc putina lumna asupra efortului depus de muncitorii chinezi in producerea acestor terminale si acum parca toate sinuciderile alea par sa aiba un alt inteles.