Because both the front and back of the iPhone 4 is made of glass, Apple has to be very careful about light leaking out of the seams and through the backplate of the handset, since they can’t just slap another layer of coating to fill the gaps. On the black iPhone 4, this isn’t as big of a problem, but the white iPhone 4′s back is naturally more transparent than the black’s. Hence the delay.
Conform acestei teorii modelul alb al iPhone 4 face poze mult mult mai slabe calitativ datorita acestei probleme cu camera si acesta ar fi principalul motiv pentru amanarea lansarii. Se pare ca Apple ar obliga toti producatorii de carcase acreditate sa isi testeze riguros produsele astfel incat sa nu obtureze obiectivul camerei si sa nu abia impact asupra calitatii pozelor facute cu camera telefonului. Nu stiu daca aceasta teorie cu camera are vreun sambure de adevar sau nu, insa cert e faptul ca Apple a amanat deja de 3 ori lansarea acestui terminal si exista o problema destul de grava cu el.
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This post was last modified on oct. 27, 2010, 2:22 PM 14:22