We are short on details, and we have not seen any public information about it, but it sounds like this will be a more intimate version of the iPhone Tech Talks that Apple hosted around the world last year.
This year, app publishers may get some extra face time with Apple engineers, and perhaps some hands-on development help. The big idea, it seems, is an effort to improve the quality of iOS apps available in Apple’s App Store. This comes as Google’s rival Android platform continues to look better to developers, and receives more of their attention and investment.
Organizarea acestei conferinte e oarecum normale avand in vedere ca luna viitoare Apple va lansa iOS 4.2 si posesorii de tablete iPad vor avea pentru prima oara ocazia de a folosi noutatile din iOS 4.x Apple probabil doreste sa creasca numarul aplicatiilor utile din AppStore, insa in acelasi timp vor creste si veniturile incasate de developeri/Apple.
This post was last modified on oct. 28, 2010, 9:07 AM 09:07