It’s rumored that Apple and Gemalto have created a SIM card, which is typically a chip that carries subscriber identification information for the carriers, that will be integrated into the iPhone itself. Then customers will then be able to choose their carrier at time of purchase at the Apple web site or retail store, or buy the phone and get their handset up and running through a download at the App Store as opposed to visiting a carrier store or calling the carrier. Either way, it reduces the role of the carrier in the iPhone purchase.
Apple a socat pe multi vara aceasta cand a decis sa comercializeaza iPhone 4 decodat in multe dintre magazinele sale de pe glob si privind situatia din perspectiva acestui nou zvon, miscarea de vara aceasta pare a fi un prim pas spre independenta fata de operatorii de telefonie mobila. Practic Apple va vinde terminale iPhone decodate din fabrica si utilizatorul isi va putea configura singur reteaua pe care doreste sa foloseasca terminalul fara sa scoata macar cartela din telefon. Deocamdata totul e doar un zvon, insa daca e adevarat atunci e o veste mai mult decat grozava pentru toti actualii si viitorii posesori de terminale iPhone.
This post was last modified on oct. 27, 2010, 11:22 PM 23:22