We did find (quite by accident) that Apple may have more reasons behind not installing Flash by default other than the stated reason of ensuring that users always have the most up-to-date version. Having Flash installed can cut battery runtime considerably—as much as 33 percent in our testing. With a handful of websites loaded in Safari, Flash-based ads kept the CPU running far more than seemed necessary, and the best time I recorded with Flash installed was just 4 hours. After deleting Flash, however, the MacBook Air ran for 6:02—with the exact same set of websites reloaded in Safari, and with static ads replacing the CPU-sucking Flash versions.
Dupa dezinstalarea flash-ului autonomia bateriei a crescut de la 4 la 6 ore, deci e destul de clar faptul ca flash-ul a fost principalul vinovat pentru pierderea a 2 ore de autonomie. Apple stia mai mult ca sigur despre acest lucru insa a preferat, ca de obicei, sa taca si sa minta utilizatorii pentru ca produsul lor nu functioneaza in parametrii specificati odata ce instalati flash. Acum e clar de ce nu avem flash pe iDevices, defapt nici nu vreau sa ma gandesc ce autonomie ar avea un iPhone odata ce instalam flash pe el si ne apucam de navigat pe internet.
This post was last modified on nov. 4, 2010, 10:15 AM 10:15