Good Morning, Mr. Jobs:
As a release-day purchaser of an iPad, I was elated when you revealed iOS 4.2 would support AirPrint. Now comes reports AirPrint support has been pulled from 4.2. Between announcements/assurances of the white iPhone, and now the pulling of AirPrint, is Apple going to lose credibility and become known for announcing “vaporware”?
Si raspunsul :
AirPrint has not been pulled. Don’t believe everything you read.
Raspunsul clarifica in mare masura faptul ca optiunea va fi disponibila in iOS 4.2, insa in momentul de fata pe site-ul Apple sunt listate doar cateva imprimante HP care ar fi compatibile cu functia AirPrint deci e posibilca doar cei care detin o astfel de imprimanta sa poata folosi noua functie. Avand in vedere ca Steve Jobs e foarte priceput la dat raspunsuri vagi nu ne ramane decat sa asteptam ziua de vineri pentru a afla ce este compatibil cu AirPrint, asta desigur daca sunteti interesati sa folositi aceasta functie.
This post was last modified on nov. 11, 2010, 7:17 PM 19:17