Aseara in jurul orei 0:00 Apple a lansat noua versiune 10.6.5 a Mac OS X, insa in ciuda asigurarii date de Steve Jobs ca AirPrint va functiona iata ca pentru unii aceasta optiune nu este disponibila in noua versiune a Mac OS X. Aceasta disponibilitate sporadica ar putea avea legatura cu versiunea de iTunes instalata in calculator, adica pentru a folosit AirPrint fara probleme utilizatorii trebuie sa aiba iTunes 10.1 instalat in PC iar cei care nu au probabil vor trebui sa foloseasca metoda de mai jos pentru a activa AirPrint pe Mac OS X 10.6.5 :
- cautati o versiune beta a Mac OS X, 10H542, e cea mai indicata si extrageti din ea urmatoarele fisiere :
- /usr/libexec/cups/filter/urftopdf
- /usr/share/cups/mime/apple.convs
- /usr/share/cups/mime/apple.types
- pentru a accesa acele fisiere exista 2 metode :
- 1. tastati din aplicatia Terminal open -a Finder /usr/libexec/cups.
- 2. din Finder selectati meniul Go apoi Go to folder si introduceti locatia /usr/libexec/cups
- copiati-le in Mac-ul vostru in exact aceleasi locatii peste cele existente;
- mergeti in panoul Print & Fax preferences unde veti sterge si apoi readauga imprimanta;
- in final mergeti in meniul “Sharing” si partajati imprimanta pe retea pentru a putea fi gasita de iDevice.
Daca urmati pasii acestia ar trebui sa aveti AirPrint activat pe Mac-ul vostru cu OS X 10.6.5.
UPDATE: Iata si noutatile aduse de Mac OS X 10.6.5 :
- Improves reliability with Microsoft Exchange servers.
- Addresses performance of some image-processing operations in iPhoto and Aperture.
- Addresses stability and performance of graphics applications and games.
- Resolves a delay between print jobs.
- Addresses a printing issue for some HP printers connected to an AirPort Extreme.
- Resolves an issue when dragging contacts from Address Book to iCal.
- Addresses an issue in which dragging an item from a stack causes the Dock to not automatically hide.
- Resolves an issue in which Wikipedia information may not display correctly in Dictionary.
- Improves performance of MainStage on certain Macs.
- Resolves spacing issues with OpenType fonts.
- Improves reliability with some Bluetooth braille displays.
- Resolves a VoiceOver issue when browsing some websites with Safari 5.
- Improves Bluetooth pairing with Magic Trackpad.
- Resolves performance issues with third-party displays that use InstaPort technology.
- Add SSL support for transferring files with iDisk.
- Resolves an issue when opening 4-up Photo Booth pictures in Preview.
- Addresses keyboard responsiveness issues in the Dock when Spaces is turned on.
- Resolves an issue syncing Address Book with Google.
- Fixes an issue when replying to a Mail message sent by a person whose name contains certain characters such as é or ü.
- Improves performance for users bound to an Active Directory domain.
- Improves reliability of Ethernet connections.
- Systems with a Mac Pro RAID Card (Early 2009) installed can now be put to sleep. For more information, see Mac Pro RAID Card (Early 2009): Enabling system sleep.
- Improves reliability of fibre channel connections, resolving a potential Xsan volume availability issue.
- Adds RAW image compatibility for additional digital cameras.
- Security improvements; for information about the security content of this update, please visit this article.