Apple cere stergerea de pe eBay a anunturilor in care sunt vandute terminale iPhone 4 albe

Desi in mod oficial Apple a anuntat ca lansarea modelului alb a terminalului iPhone 4 a fost amanata pentru primavara anului viitor, iata ca site-ul de licitatii online eBay a primit de la companie  o notificare prin care i se cere sa stearga toate anunturile in care sunt puse spre vanzare terminale iPhone 4 albe.  Se pare ca terminalele iPhone 4 albe vandute pe eBay sunt defapt terminale negre cu carcasele schimbate, deci nu ar proveni din fabricile unde sunt asamblate terminalele iPhone 4. In cererea trimisa celor de la eBay Apple sustine ca respectivele terminale sunt contrafacute si ca ar trebui scoase de la licitatie. E greu de spus daca Apple incearca sa impiedice lumea din a cumpara un model de iPhone care s-ar putea sa nu fie vreodata lansat oficial sau pur si simplu incearca sa acopere niste “gauri” de securitate ale fabricilor unde sunt asamblate terminale iPhone 4.

Dear, [Redacted]
You recently listed the following listing:

[Redacted listing name and number]

Your listing has been removed.

Your item was removed because of a request we received from Apple, Inc., a member of our Verified Rights Owner Program (VeRO), asking us to remove the item for:

– Item(s) is a counterfeit product which infringes the trademark owner’s rights.

For more information on why your item was removed, you should:
– Contact Apple, Inc. directly at apple@gibney.com with your questions or concerns.
– Wait 7 days for Apple, Inc. to reply to you. Although most VeRO participants are willing to respond to polite email, please know that they aren’t obligated to reply.
– If after 7 days you haven’t received a response from Apple, Inc., please contact us by simply replying to this email.

The rights owner or an agent authorized to act on behalf of the rights owner, Apple, Inc., notified eBay that this listing violates intellectual property rights. When eBay receives a report of this type of violation, we remove the listing to comply with the law.

It’s against the law to sell fake, counterfeit, or pirated products.

Your listing was removed because the item in your listing was reported by the rights owner as a fake or counterfeit through eBay’s VeRO Program. Due to this report, please do not attempt to relist, advertise, or offer this item for sale on any eBay site or service around the world.

This post was last modified on nov. 14, 2010, 12:47 AM 00:47

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