Prestigioasa revista Times Magazine a intocmit recent topul celor mai bune inventii ale anului 2010 si in mod surprinzator tableta iPad se afla printre acestea impreuna cu o aplicatie pentru iOS. Eu unul am ramas surprins ca revista Time a inclus tableta iPad printre cele mai bune inventii tehologice ale anului 2010 si probabil cei din conducerea Apple vor fi la fel de surprinsi. Tableta iPad a avut parte de un succes extraordinar, de la lansarea din aprilie 2010 si pana in prezent compania Apple reusit sa vanda cateva milioane de tablete in lumea intreaga.
Luand succesul in considerare, credeti ca tableta iPad merita inclusa in acest top?
How does Apple keep out-inventing the rest of the tech industry? Often, it’s by reinventing a product category that its competitors have given up on. In theory, the iPad is merely a follow-up to such resoundingly unpopular slate-style computers as Microsoft’s Tablet PC. But Apple is the first company that designed finger-friendly hardware and software from scratch rather than stuffing a PC into a keyboardless case. When it calls the results “magical” and “revolutionary,” it’s distorting reality only slightly. One analyst says the iPad is the fastest-selling nonphone gizmo in consumer-electronics history.