E foarte interesant ca Apple va lansa tableta iPad si la operatorii europeni avand in vedere ca zvonurile recente indica faptul ca, compania ar putea introduce un SIM integrat in viitorul model al tablete si ar putea marginaliza operatorii de telefonie in procesul de comercializare. In Romania nu stiu cand va ajunge tableta iPad, insa am auzit ca Samsung Galaxy Tab nu are vanzari grozave la anumiti operatori.
Orange UK to offer new iPad purchase options
22nd November 2010: Orange UK today announced it will offer new purchase options for iPad users, including more affordable prices when purchased with a data service plan, for iPad with Wi-Fi + 3G models in the coming months. iPad allows users to connect with their apps and content in a more intimate, intuitive and fun way than ever before. Users can browse the web, read and send email, enjoy and share photos, watch HD videos, listen to music, play games, read ebooks and much more, all using iPad’s revolutionary Multi-Touch user interface. For more information about iPad please visit www.apple.com/ipad/
This post was last modified on nov. 22, 2010, 5:41 PM 17:41