Apple va tine o noua conferinta de presa in Decembrie

De cateva zile umbla pe internet niste zvonuri care indica faptul ca Apple ar putea tine o conferinta de presa undeva intre 9 – 14 Decembrie si va lansa primul ziar electronic special facut pentru tableta iPad. Noul ziar se va numi The Daily si va fi rezultatul colaborarii dintre Steve Jobs, CEO-ul Apple,  si Rupert Murdoch, CEO-ul News Corp. Noul ziar va oferi continut text video si interactivitate pentru doar 0.99$ pe luna, un pret foarte mic dar justificat avand in vedere ca publicatia va fi disponibila exclusiv pe iPad.

My understanding is that this initiative is going to launch with a press event, with Murdoch (and perhaps other newspaper and magazine executives) joining Steve Jobs on stage. This is not going to be a quiet launch, to say the least. But “this month” is effectively already over, considering that Thanksgiving is Thursday, so it won’t happen until next month at the earliest.

(The date I’ve heard is December 9, but that’s a Thursday, which would be somewhat unusual for an Apple press event. My guess is that they’re telling people December 9 but it might slip back to Tuesday or Wednesday the week after. Perhaps it will coincide with the opening of the Mac App Store?)

Desi zvonurile indica lansarea publictiei The Daily la urmatoarea conferinta Apple, este totodata posibil ca Apple sa lanseze sau doar sa prezinte noutati despre Mac AppStore-ul la care se lucreaza in momentul de fata.

Din pacate noua publicatie nu va fi disponibila si in limba romana, defapt nu stiu daca va fi disponibila romanilor in vreun fel ceea ce e pacat.

This post was last modified on nov. 23, 2010, 6:42 PM 18:42

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