An inside source has just told us that Apple is targeting a Monday, December 13th launch of the Mac App Store. The company apparently told developers to have their software prepared for a launch as early as Monday the 6th of this month, but our contact would be shocked if that happened at this point. Apple has made no official announcements regarding this, and delays could always happen, but theres a push to be launched before Christmas, well ahead of the previously estimated January release.
Saptamana trecuta Apple a lansat Mac OS X 10.6.6 pentru developeri si se pare ca aceasta noua versiune a Mac OS X va fi necesara pentru a putea rula aplicatii din AppStore. Lansarea acestei versiuni beta denota faptul ca Apple se gandeste sa lanseze si Mac AppStore-ul in curand, totusi ramane de vazut daca testele vor decurge normal si utilizatorii nu vor raporta prea multe probleme.
Exista printre voi persoane care asteapta deschiderea acestui AppStore?
This post was last modified on dec. 6, 2010, 2:14 PM 14:14