Analyst Brian White with Ticonderoga Securities is touring Taipei, Taiwan, and China with his team this week. During meetings in Taipei, he said he has heard from suppliers that mobile digital TV and miniature embedded pico projectors are poised to become major selling features in future smartphones.
Desi nu se spune in mod clar ca Apple va implementa aceste tehnologii in viitoarea generatie de smartphone-uri, totusi se considera ca iPhone 5 ar putea revolutiona lumea terminalelor mobile. Parerea mea este ca Apple nu va implementa aceste tehnologii in viitorul apropiat si daca vom vedea asa ceva in iPhone 5 atunci cu siguranta va fi vorba doar despre o singura tehnologie pentru ca Apple are obiceiul de a implementa functiile pe rand, an dupa an pentru a-si spori vanzarile.
Watching local TV stations on a smartphone could be an attractive option for some consumers,” White wrote in a note to investors. “Additionally, an embedded pico projector allows users to project a slide presentation or video on a wall or other surface in large size, which makes sense for the iPhone 5 in our view, as Apple seeks to expand the features in the next-generation iPhone.
This post was last modified on dec. 6, 2010, 2:37 PM 14:37