“When you jailbreak it, it breaks a lot of security of a normal iPhone,” Miller told The Reg. “With Stefan’s stuff, now maybe it’s an option, if you’re a security-conscious person, to still jailbreak your phone because you can pick up ASLR, which is going to make it a lot harder to do exploits.”
This enables users with jailbroken iPhones to create their own set of dyld_shared_cache files that have completely different library load addresses from every other iPhone in the world,” Esser wrote in an email. “This is already a better ASLR than what exists on Snow Leopard because different applications can use different shared caches and therefore different load addresses.
Stefan Esser intentioneaza sa implementeze tehnologia ASLR(Adress Space Layout Randomization) in iOS prin intermediul acestui jailbreak. Apple a refuzat sa o implementeze pana acum insa Microsoft a facut-o in Windows Phone 7. Implementarea acestei tehnologii ar creste nivelul de securitate al iDevice-urilor, insa daca ar fi implementata direct de Apple ar putea ingreuna procesul de jailbreak, deci situatia trebuie privita din ambele moduri : securitatea ridicata este buna insa ar putea reduce sansele gasirii unei solutii de jailbreak.
Stefan Esser va prezenta ideea sa la conferinta POC(Power of Community) ce va avea loc pe 14 decembrie la Seoul iar solutia de jailbreak numita Antid0te ar urma sa fie lansata la scurt timp dupa conferinta. Va fi foarte interesant de vazut cum va “primi” comuntiatea iPhone aceasta noua idee si ce vor avea cei de la Dev Team de spus in legatura cu ea.
This post was last modified on dec. 10, 2010, 10:00 AM 10:00