“Having different sizes expands the market and makes it appeal to more people,” said Kaufman Bros analyst Shaw Wu.
A smaller iPad would be a departure as Apple Chief Executive Steve Jobs has publicly rejected the idea of such a device in October.
Wu said that while Jobs has a history of throwing Apple watchers off the scent of a good rumor — most famously when he derided the idea of iPods that play videos — Apple has also worked on many prototypes that never see the light of day.
Nu ar fi neobisnuit ca Apple sa lanseze o tableta cu ecran de 7 inch chiar daca Steve Jobs s-a opus acum cateva luni acestui model de tablete. Practic acest nou model ar largi foarte mult baza de posibili clienti deoarece noul model ar fi in primul rand mai ieftin decat actualul si in al doilea rand i-ar atrage pe cei care considera ca tableta iPad este mult prea mare si impractica.
This post was last modified on dec. 13, 2010, 2:31 PM 14:31