Jailbreak Monte – noua versiune beta a solutiei de untethered jailbreak

Astazi Dev Team a anuntat ca pregateste lansarea versiunii beta a noii solutii de untethered jailbreak pentru iOS 4.2.1 si iata ce trebuie sa stii daca vrei sa o poti folosi inca de pe acum. In primul rand, aceasta versiune beta este compatibila doar cu iPhone 4, iPad, iPod Touch 4G si va functiona doar de pe Mac OS X.

Jailbreak Monte, numele noii versiuni beta, se adreseaza doar celor care sunt dispusi sa faca teste pe terminalele lor, nu au nevoie de decodare, nu au nevoie de BlueTooth si USBMUDX

pe Mac-urile lor.
  • This is a beta tester program. It’s not a general release!  Things can go very wrong, so please don’t even consider testing if you have pictures or other media on your device that you haven’t backed up!
  • For the same reason, please don’t participate if you rely on the ultrasn0w carrier unlock.  Wait for the final version!
  • Until we fix some sandbox issues with bluetooth, the bluetooth functionality is disabled.
  • This very first beta1 is limited to iPhone4, iPad, and iPod touch 4G.
  • Cydia must have your 4.2b3 SHSH blobs saved on file.  (As we approach a general release, we’ll provide a way to let you use locally saved hashes too).
  • You must already have the usbmuxd software installed and running on your Mac (this requirement will eventually go away too). The correct invocation of the relay is just as that page says: “./tcprelay.py -t 22:2222”.
  • Please leave all feedback in the comments below (we really need your feedback to help develop it into a stable release!)

Va recomand sa testati aceasta versiune beta DOAR daca stiti ce faceti, nu va aruncati acum la facut jailbreak pentru ca apoi sa plangeti ca nu va mai merge terminalul.

UPDATE: Puteti descarca noua solutie de jailbreak de aici : [download id=”106″]

This post was last modified on dec. 26, 2010, 11:51 AM 11:51

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