10 din cele mai celebre citate ale lui Steve Jobs din 2010

Anul acestea Steve Jobs a avut o prezenta puternica atat in cadrul conferintelor Apple cat si in mediul online unde a incercat sa raspunda la cat mai multe dintre e-mailurile primite. In lista de mai jos sunt selectate 10 dintre cele mai interesante citate extrase din discursurile tinute de Steve Jobs in cadrul conferintelor Apple ori din raspunsurile date la e-mailurile primite.

#10.    ”It is not a sweatshop. You go in this place and it’s a factory but, my gosh, they’ve got restaurants and movie theaters and hospitals and swimming pools. For a factory, it’s pretty nice.” – Un raspuns dat la intrebarile privind conditiile in care lucreaza muncitorii fabricilor Foxconn.

#9.      ”Would you rather we were a Korean company, instead of an American company? Would you rather we weren’t innovating right here? – Un raspuns patriotic dat de Steve Jobs in timpul scandalului Antennagate.

#8.      ”I get a lot of email and my address is out there. I can’t reply to all of these emails — I have a day job. Some people post them on the web, which is kind of rude.” Raspuns dat in cadrul conferintei din vara referitoare la problemele cu antena.

#7.       “I thought deeply about this. I ended up concluding that the worst thing that could possibly happen as we get big and as we get a little more influence in the world is if we change our core values and start letting it slide, I can’t do that. I’d rather quit.”Raspuns dat de Steve Jobs celor care i-au spus ca ar trebui sa treaca cu vederea scandalul privind prototipul terminalului iPhone 4 prezentat de Gizmodo.

#6.       “We never saw ourselves in a platform war with Microsoft, and maybe that’s why we lost.”Raspuns dat de Steve Jobs la conferinta D8 cand a fost intrebat daca Apple a intrat intr-un “razboi” al platformelor cu Google si Microsoft.

#5.       “We did not enter the search business. They entered the phone business. Make no mistake they want to kill the iPhone. We won’t let them.” Raspuns dat in cadrul unei intalniri private tinute la TownHall unde Steve Jobs a discutat in fata angajatilor Apple despre Android si Google.

#4.       “Please leave us alone.” Raspunsul dat de Steve Jobs unui student al universitatii din Long Island  dupa ce acesta i-a trimis cateva mailuri destul de provocatoare.

#3.       “I’m sorry about your girlfriend. Life is fragile.” – Raspunsul dat de Steve Jobs unei persoane care i-a trimis un e-mail in care i-a multumit pentru efortul depus in convingerea statului California sa promoveze o legislatie privitoare la donatia de organe.

#2.     “My sex life is pretty good these days, Walt. How’s yours?”Raspuns dat de Steve Jobs lui Walt Mossberg in cadrul unei conferinte D8. Walt il intrebase despre relatia dintre Google si Apple.

#1.       “We’re not perfect.” Steve Jobs si-a cerut, in numele companiei Apple, in cadrul conferintei privind problemele cu antena terminalului iPhone 4.