Bateria unui MacBook se umfla, un reprezentant al Apple considera lucrul normal

In imaginea de mai sus avem un MacBook al carui baterie veche de 1 an si jumatate a decis sa se umfle si sa indoaie putin carcasa. Omul ingrijorat de ce s-a intamplat a luat laptop-ul si a mers cu el la un magazin Apple unde a cerut sa-i fie schimbata bateria. Acolo cativa reprezentanti ai Apple au incercat sa afle cat de veche era bateria dar nu au reusit insa in final i-au spus ca acesta nu poate fi inlocuitasi ca umflarea ei nu reprezinta o problema. Apple ofera garantii pentru baterii doar daca vechimea acestora nu depaseste un an de zile, deci un reprezentant al Apple i-a refuzat cererea de inlocuire.

First, nobody seemed to know what to do with me or who I should talk to. Second, while they Apple Customer Representative could look up the age of my computer by the serial number, they had no way of tracking (and “proving the age”) of my battery by its unique serial number. Third, while nearly everybody I talked to seemed to show much concern over this safety issue, the “Senior Customer Representative” who finally spoke to me was quite apathetic about my battery problem. According to him, this issue is normal and the result of wear-and-tear on the battery and, more importantly, this was Apple’s official position.

Singurul mod in care reprezentantul Apple ar fi schimbat bateria era daca aceasta ar fi putut prezenta un pericol pentru integritatea fizica a celui care detine laptop-ul. Sincer sa fiu povestea pare a fi “cusuta cu ata alba” insa daca e adevarata atunci trebuie sa recunosc faptul ca anumiti angajati privesc gresit lucrurile.

He did reassure me that, had the battery caused any damage to my computer or personal injury, he’d be willing to discuss that. So, basically, I would have been better off leaving the defective battery in my computer instead of being smart and removing it.

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