Camera Touch este un nou tweak din Cydia care ne permite sa setam anumite butoane ale iPhone-ului pentru a face poze sau a inregistra clipuri video folosind aplicatia Camera. Tweak-ul ne da optiunea de a folosi butoanele de volum pentru a face poze sau a inregistra un video si printr-un shake putem trece din modul video in modul “camera”. Pe langa aceste optiuni exista inca una care ne permite sa deschidem aplicatia camera direct din lockscreen folosind butoanele de volum ale dispozitivului.
Iata ce functii are Camera Touch :
- Take Photo: Switches to photo mode if not already in photo mode and takes a picture.
- Take Video: Switches to video mode if not already in video mode and begins recording.
- Take Photo/Video: Snaps a photo or starts video recording depending on which mode the camera is currently in.
- Toggle Flash: Switches Flash between Off, Auto, and On modes for compatible devices.
- Toggle HDR: Switches HDR mode On and Off for compatible devices.
- Toggle Camera: Switches between the front and back cameras for compatible devices.
Tweak-ul este disponibil in Cydia pentru 0.99$.
This post was last modified on ian. 14, 2011, 6:37 PM 18:37