Compania Feral Interactive este un producator de jocuri pentru Mac, care si-a facut “intrarea
” in Mac AppStore inca de la lansare cu aplicatia Lego Harry Potter care a fost mai tarziu retrasa datorita unor probleme cu instalarea unor fisiere. Compania si-a rezolvat problemele si acum “ataca” din nou Mac AppStore-ul insa de aceasta data a lansat 3 jocuri foarte foarte populare si foarte bine cotate in comunitatea internationala a gamerilor : Bioshock, Borderlands si Rome: Total War. Jocurile vor costa cateva zeci de dolari fiecare. Iata si o scurta descriere a fiecarui joc plus un link pentru Mac AppStore :BioShock, the popular first-persion shooter game that originally debuted for Mac in late 2007, has been ranked among the top gaming titles of the last few years by numerous outlets. The game is priced at $39.99 on the Mac App Store.
Set in an alternate 1960, BioShock places you in the middle of an underwater utopia gone badly wrong. With a provocative and intelligent storyline, this is a game that is alternately beautiful, thrilling, funny, frightening and always involving. An experience that makes you think while you play.
Borderlands, another science fiction-themed first-person shooter, was only released on the Mac platform last month, coming in a “Game of the Year” edition with bonus content included. That expanded edition is now also available through the Mac App Store, priced at $49.99.
Finally, Feral has released Rome: Total War ($29.99), a strategy game available in a “Gold Edition” that also includes the Barbarian Invasion expansion pack for the original game. And of course LEGO Harry Potter Years 1-4 is now back in the Mac App Store at the same $49.99 price point at which it originally appeared.
Bioshock si Rome:Total War se numara printre favoritele mele, am terminat fiecare serie aparuta pe PC si va recomand sa le jucati, pe Mac sau pe PC.
This post was last modified on ian. 27, 2011, 12:08 AM 00:08