Video Review: iPhone 4 Verizon rezolva problema cu pierderea semnalului

Verizon iPhone 4 va fi disponibil incepand de astazi, in cantitati reduse, pentru clientii Verizon, urmand ca de saptamana viitoare dispozitivul sa poata fi achizitionat de oricine. Singurele diferente intre iPhone 4 CDMA pentru Verizon si iPhone 4 GSM sunt la structura exterioara : pozitionarea antenelor este diferita pentru a functiona cu standardul CDMA, nu exista un locas pentru cartele SIM si pozitionarea butonului de volum este diferita datorita modificarii adusa antenelor.  In afara acestor modificari nu veti gasi absolut nimic diferit, e acelasi iPhone 4cu acelasi ecran, acelasi chip A4, aceeasi camera, etc.

Iata ce review-uri intereasnte pentru iPhone 4 puteti citi :

Engadget(Joshua Topolsky)

If you haven’t caught the theme of this review, let us spell it out — this is very much the iPhone 4 that people have come to know and love. It’s not the next generation Apple device, it’s not a wowee-zowee LTE experiment, and it isn’t a revolution in mobile computing.

Daring Fireball(John Gruber)

It’s the same phone. The only difference is the network. And Verizon’s network is better.

That’s it in a nut.

TechCrunch(MG Siegler)

This Verizon version of the iPhone 4 seems to have none of the same antenna issues. Try as I might, using the “death grip” and every other grip I can actually do, I can no longer reproduce the same attenuation problem that the previous iPhone 4 model had. I death grip the thing, and no bars drop. More importantly, calls don’t drop and data doesn’t stop. Again, Apple won’t comment, but problem, apparently, solved.

Slashgear(Vincent Nguyen)

The Verizon iPhone 4 may be a new model, but outwardly it’s almost identical to the AT&T version announced back in June 2010. That means the same 4.54 x 2.309 x 0.37 inch glass and metal chassis, a slimline slither of premium-feel hardware held together with a band of metal that doubles as the smartphone’s antenna (now with four sections rather than the original’s three).


It’s unlikely that, even without the “camouflaging” bumper on, anyone would’ve noticed that I’ve been carrying around a Verizon iPhone for the last few days. Except for some very subtle surface differences, this long-awaited phone is virtually indistinguishable from the AT&T model, but as I see it, the lack of major modifications makes this iPhone no less desirable or fun.

This post was last modified on feb. 3, 2011, 10:59 AM 10:59

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